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Topic: sound notification of message on build 7418 and further not working properly

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 17:35
Posts: 1668
One Elder of Players
Posted at: 2015-03-01, 18:42

In multiplayer game, you should get a sound evvery time someone send a message in lobby. useful if you are waiting in lobby for someone to arrive while doing something else. You also should get a sound during the game, useul because the messages are small and one may not notice them. Well, that worked fine with version 73xx, but starting from 7418 I noticed that it occcasionally fails to give a sound notification when someone other than you send a message. i test it, and it appeared to give it only half of the times or less that's a malfunction that should be fixed.

Edited: 2015-03-01, 18:43

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Joined: 2013-10-07, 14:56
Posts: 3324
One Elder of Players
Location: RenderedRect
Posted at: 2015-03-02, 07:44

I created a bug report:

Busy indexing nil values

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