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Topic: Speedup rebuilds


Joined: 2009-02-27, 13:28
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Posted at: 2013-03-17, 13:10

borim wrote: You can also use the symbolic links provided by ccache /usr/lib/ccache

You'd think so, but have you actually tried it?

It didn't work for me, and that's actually quite plausible. The problem is that all the links in /usr/lib/ccache simply point to the ccache executable. So if you link /usr/bin/c++ to /usr/lib/ccache/c++ or even /usr/lib/ccache/g++, then ccache is run. How does ccache know which compiler to invoke? Well, it looks at its command line, whose argv[0] still is c++, despite the symbolic link magic. But calling c++ just loops back to running ccache, which is no good. This cycle needs to be broken, and having those explicit scripts in there does the job.

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Posted at: 2013-03-17, 14:34

I did not test it with the alternative mechanism, just with tweaking the PATH variable. And at least this way it works fine.

I can only guess what the reason is, but maybe when running ccache. The PATH is scanned for the second match and this is used as compiler.

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