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This page describes the usage of the wiki itself. ¶

## Main actions ¶
Above each wikipage you see on the right three green options: ¶

* __Edit this article__ - This opens the articel in editor mode. You have to be logged in to edit an article. ¶
* __History__ - Shows all revisions of this article ¶
* __Observe__ - Clicking on this and you will be e-mailed about changes on this article ¶

### Editing ¶
Checkout the WikiSyntax before you edit an article. ¶

The editor consists of four rows: ¶

1. __Title__ - The Title of the article ¶
1. __Content__ - This is the place, where the article could be editet ¶
1. __ PageSummary__ - Mandatory for first revision. This field should reflect the content in short words. Be descriptive as this is shown in the [list of all articles](/wiki/list) ¶
1. __Comment for this revision__ - Short description of your changes ¶

### New articles ¶
To create a new article, you have to be logged in. Now change the webadress in you browser like: ¶

`` ¶

Be sure to create an articlename as in the Example, do not try to name articles like "my new page" (with spaces). Those names are not catched by the Wikiparser and you have to use the syntax for external links to use them in other articles. ¶

The chapter [Editing](/wiki/WikiHelp#Editing) explains the fields of the editor.