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Changes in GenericMovementSuggestions

Editor Comment


Revision Differences of Revision 3

This page lists movements to be created and used on models of the different tribes thereby having the whole work once and reusing that animation. ¶
Consider these as suggestions and feel free to add sensible ideas. ¶

## Generic movement - all people ¶
### Walking ¶
- walking empty-handed / easily ¶
- walking laden with goods / bent over ¶

### Idle phase ¶
- smoking a pipe ¶
- sitting down, standing up again after some time ¶
- sleeping ¶
- saying hello with the hand ¶

## Profession movement - by profession ¶
### Fisher ¶
- throwing the net ¶
- catching the net ¶

### Lumberjack ¶
- cutting the tree ¶
- trimming the tree to a trunk ¶

### Ranger ¶
- digging a hole ¶
- planting a small tree, tree quickly grows to full size ¶

### Geologist ¶
- kneeling down ¶
- hammering at rock ¶
- shouting yeepee or express joy by any mean as something has been found ¶

### Stonemason ¶
- heavy pickaxe work ¶

### Farmer ¶
- sowing grain with a spreading motion ¶
- harvesting with a scythe ¶

### Ferner ¶
- harvesting with spade and wheelbarrow ¶

## Tribe movement - by tribe ¶
### Barbarians ¶
- wielding a battleaxe ¶

### Empire ¶
- wielding a lance