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Changes in TranslatingWidelands

Editor Comment

Added point 4 (Translation dictionary) and 5 (link to Forum)

Revision Differences of Revision 7

## Translating Widelands ¶

Like all development, translations are also done on []( All translation work is done in your web browser and everybody can contribute translations in any language in seconds. ¶

The process is quite simple: ¶

1. Sign up on [Click here]( ¶
2. Tell Launchpad which languages you want to work with: [Click here]( ¶
3. Start translating widelands: [Click here]( ¶
1. You can see all statistics of all languages Widelands is translated into. ¶
2. Click on your language, choose the text domain (widelands, maps, scenarios...) you want to work on. ¶
3. Start translating. ¶
4. If you don't know how to translate Wideland's words (names of wares, workers, buildings etc.), please look in the TranslationDictionary, if one exists for your language. If not, please use the translations already implemented in the game - and feel free to start a new Translation dictionary for your language. ¶
5. Further discussion is made in the [Forum Translation & Internalization]( ¶

All translations will eventually land in a bzr branch via autoimport from launchpad. We will then merge them before a release, so your translation will make it to widelands. All new translations you make are under a BSD license - this basically means that other projects on Launchpad can use them too. ¶

Further reading: [Launchpad Translation Documentation]( ¶