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#The first game ¶

If you are a
sSettlers II™- veteran, you will quickly understand the basics of Widelands, as both games have similar basic principles. ¶

The game centers on the development of a connected economy, consisting of different buildings and streets. This economy will vary according to the tribe that is chosen; each of tribes in the game has its own unique advantages and disadvantages in comparison to the others. ¶

When the game is started, a landscape with a large building in the center will appear. To see where you can build something, it is a good idea to ¶
switch into buildhelp-mode, by hitting the space-bar or clicking on the buildhelp-button at the lower border of the screen. Red, yellow and green houses (from small to big) indicate space available for a building. At the yellow flags you can place a blue flag to create street sections. ¶

All buildings, whether built or under construction, have to be connected on the street-web. To build a street you need to click on a flag and then the road-build-button that will appear. Colored points will show up around the flag, showing the grade of potential road segments (green=even, yellow=steep, red=very steep). Your goal should always be to build the best possible track. Always think about whether your carriers could be faster if you build a longer, but more even street. ¶

Your territory is expandable, which is important, as you can only build within it. Territory is expanded by building military buildings. The different military buildings hold different numbers of soldiers and in turn capture different sizes of land. ¶

Special resources (water, coal, iron, gold, granite) can be found by a geologist. This special kind of worker can be sent out if you click on the geologist-button at a flag. As soon as the geologist reaches his destination, he will start to search for resources on the area around the flag and put labels with colored points (red=iron, black=coal, yellow=gold, white=granite, blue=water) at the places where he finds a resource. And of course, the flag you sent the geologist to must be connected with a street, too. ¶

Finally, once your first mines are up and running, you will need a food-economy to feed your miners. Note that the bigger and/or deeper the mine, the greater the demand for better food. ¶

##Economic System ¶

Resources must be gained and refined to get better buildings and finally weapons so that new soldiers can be acquired. As an introduction the tutorials are hereby strongly recommended. The following summary applies to the
___barbarians___ and should facilitate thelp you gent staryted: ¶

__!!Unfortunally only the German Version of the following part could be restored. Please Help to translate it to English!!__ ¶

GrundbBausic matofferials
* Ranger: Bäum Trees (grow on the map)
* Lumberjack: Ttrunks ¶
* Wood Hardener: blackwood ¶

* Gamekeeper: TAnieremals (larufen arouf nder on Karthe herumap) ¶
* Hunter's Hut: meat ¶

Steinbruch* (Quarry): Raw Stone ¶
* Stonegrinder =: grindstone ¶

NFahruming-basmied foodstteluffs
* Well: Water ¶
* Fisher Hut: Fish ¶
* Farm (build onurly aufon grüneen G/febiertilen blauen!ds): wheat ¶
* wheat + water in a Bakery = pitta bread ¶
* wheat + water in a Micro Brewery = beer ¶

EssRensratfionend food
* pitta bread + fish/meat in a Tavern = Ration ¶
* pitta bread + fish/meat in an Inn = Snack ¶
* pitta bread + fish/meat + beer/strongbeer in a Big Inn = Meal ¶

BoMined matenrialschätze
Essens* Food rationen* + roted sign Schildn Ironmine = Ironore ¶
Essens* Food rationen + schwblarzeck sign Schildn Coalmine = Coalearth ¶
Essens* Food rationen + gyelbelow sign Sch ildn Goldmine = Gold Stone ¶
Essens* Food rationen + wehißte (not blank!) sign Schildn Granitemine = Raw Stone ¶

refined food type that miners want depends on the size of the mine; the basic mine uses rvations, deeper mines use snacks and meals. Note that you should only build a mine in an area where your geologist has planted coloured signs to indicate what can be mined there. ¶

urther refingement
* Trunks + Coalearth in Charcoal Burner = Coal ¶
* Coal + Ironore; Coal + Gold Stone in Smelting Works = Iron; Gold ¶
* Iron + Trunks in Metalworks = WTools (Fishing rods and otherkz items ugsed (Angto makel & Cworkers for buildings) ¶
* Iron + Coal in Axefactory = ÄAxtes
* Iron + Coal (+ Gold) in Warmill = (KWariegs)Äaxtes
* Iron + Coal (+ Gold) in Helmsmith = (KWariegs)Hhelmets

ZusaAdditzionals__ ¶
* Fernery = Flax
Pressworks = clothes ¶

###Militärgebäude ¶

Im Trainings Camp und und in der Battle Arena können Soldaten gegen Ausrüstung und Nahrung bzw nur gegen Nahrung (wohlgemerkt: gemeint sind die Rohprodukte Brot, Fleisch und Fisch) trainiert werden. Die Gebäude der folgenden Tabelle vergrößern dagegen das Territorium: ¶

Kategorie Name vergößert Territorium um Soldaten ¶
Klein Sentry 7 2 ¶
Mittel Stronghold 7 3 ¶
Mittel Donjon 5 5 ¶
Mittel Barrier 8 5 ¶
Groß Fortress 11 8 ¶
Groß Citadel 12 12 ¶

##Probleme und ihre Lösung ¶

Da das Spiel noch in der Entwicklung ist, sind Probleme zu erwarten, sowohl durch Bugs als auch durch ungenügende Anleitung. ¶

###Gebäudeupgrade führt zur Stilllegung ¶

Arbeitet nach einem Upgrade die Mine nicht weiter und oben erscheint die Meldung "One more Worker required", muss ein passender Arbeiter in der einfachen Version des Gebäudes ausgebildet werden und dieses dann abgerissen werden. Überhaupt dürfen Uügrades erst vorgenommen werden, wenn der Arbeiter in dem Gebäude die nächste Stufe erreicht hat. ¶

###Einfache Rohstoffe fehlen ¶

Es kann passieren, dass einfache Rohstoffe wie Holz und Stein von den weiterverarbeitenden Gebäuden (Wood Hardener, Stone Grinder) verschluckt werden und also beim Bau fehlen. In einem solchen Fall sollten die beiden Gebäude erstmal stillgelegt werden.