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# Tutorial to Using the Widelands' Map Editor ¶

## Create a New Map ¶

We begin by launching the Editor from the Widelands Main Menu. The Editor starts up with a standard map, flat, consisting of steppe, 64 fields broad and high. For starters, let's create our own map with different settings. ¶

Image | Description ¶
------- | ------- ¶
![editor-tutorial-new-map-en.jpg](/wlmedia//wlimages/Editor-tutorial-new-map-en.jpg) | To do that, we open the [
[ EditorHelp's Main Menu | ](/wiki/Editor's HelpMain Menu ]]) (the most left button at the screen's bottom) and choose New Map. ¶

This opens the New Map Options Menu. Now is the time to reflect what kind of map we want to create - huge, small, square or not, which kind of world (blackland, desert, greenland or winterland?) and so on. ¶
Let us make a rather small map, higher than wide, for a quick game between two players. ¶

Image | Description ¶
------- | ------- ¶
![editor-tutorial-new-map-dialog-en.jpg](/wlmedia//wlimages/Editor-tutorial-new-map-dialog-en.jpg) | We increase the map's width to 80 and the height to 96. As world type we choose greenland. To have the Editor generate the map we click at Create Map. ¶

The Editor now creates a map of desired size. It is absolutely flat and plain, consisting solely of steppe-terrain. ¶

Now it's up to us to [[ EditorTutorialShapeTerrain | shape the terrain ]] to an island fun to play upon. ¶

## Links ¶
[[ EditorTutorialShapeTerrain | Shaping the terrain ]] ¶
[[ EditorTutorialHeightLevels | Height levels ]] ¶
[[ EditorTutorialPlaceResources | Placing resources and bobs ]] ¶
[[ EditorTutorialRemainingStuff | Remaining stuff ]] ¶

[[ EditorHelpTutorial | Tutorial start ]] ¶
[[ EditorHelpHelp | Editor Help ]]