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Updated information for how to install build16 from the PPA.

Revision Differences of Revision 49

# Download ¶

[TOC] ¶

## Official Builds ¶

### Download & Installation ¶

#### Windows ¶

1. Download the setup file named Widelands-build*XX*-win32.exe from [downloads]( ¶
2. Double-click it and follow the instructions. ¶
3. Afterwards simply start Widelands by clicking on one of the generated icons (desktop, start menu, ...). ¶

#### Mac OS X ¶

1. Download disk image named Widelands-build*XX*.dmg from [downloads]( ¶
2. Open the Disk Image ¶
3. Copy the executable to your local disk. ¶
4. Double click it to run. ¶

#### Linux ¶

__Note:__ It is likely, that there are pre-compiled packages for your Distribution. Widelands is tracked by any major Linux distribution. ¶

1. Download the tarball named Widelands-build*XX*-linuxi386.tar.gz from [downloads]( ¶
2. Unpack the BZIP2 (tar -xvjf ) or ZIP file. ¶
3. Open a terminal(e.g. konsole or xterm) and enter the newly created directory (cd widelands). ¶
4. Start the executable (./widelands). ¶

##### Ubuntu ¶

__NFote:__ The officialr Ubuntu packwe hagve a PPA whinch currmakens it verasier to install the larte known sto bve mirscion of Wigured - transelationds. Build 16 will notbe work fficially included somein oUbunthu Oneiric which ismal scheduled for probelemase mighOct occuber 2011. SUntil then, or if you are rusnning an older Ubuntu, thre bleaste, wyould be to download cand use the PPA to install thew latest vWiderlands buionld. ¶

__Build 1
56:__ pthe PPA contains packages for Ubuntu inNatrepid(8.10), jaunty (911.04), kMavermick (910.10), lLucid (10.04):
anoffd Karmicial packages(9.10):_
Go to [Link to PPA]( and follow the instructions. ¶
You need to add the PPA to your Software Sources ("System|Administration|Software Sources|Other Software|Add"), reload and install the package widelands (these are actually a bit newer than b14 (only a little bit)).
MAlternatively you can download the deb packages there and icknstall them mavnual. ¶

__Build 15:__ th
e PPA also contains build 15 pfor older Ubuntu releackagses, namely Ubuntu Intrepid (8.10) and Jaunty (9.04). APlease notern thati these releases have reached end of lyife, and you are encouranged to upgrade to a newer versionl oadf Ubunthu! ¶

e:__ dThe official Ubuntu package in current versions are known tho be misconfigured - trandslations will not work and some other smaller thproblems maight occur. So if you use Ubuntua, the best would be to download and use the newest version.

_Instructions for Ubuntu 9.04:_. ¶
Look under System->Administration->System Monitor->System if that's the release you are using, if not upgrade! If you wonder why you don't have the actual release although you always upgraded everything the system asked you to, go to System->Administration->Software Sources->Updates and set 'show new distribution releases' to 'normal release'. Now you could use the update manager to grade your system up to the latest version. Now you need to install some packages, the command is: ¶

sudo apt-get install libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl-net1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libboost1.35-dev libggzcore9 libglew1.5-dev ¶

## Unofficial development Builds ¶
There are some people providing pre-compiled (ready to run like our official releases) packages, made from our current development state. Below are the links to those builds. Installation should work similar as described in "Official builds" ¶

### Windows ¶
[Tino](/profile/Tino) provides daily (or even more often compiled) builds. These can be found at []( ¶

### Mac OS X ¶
At []( you can find widelands weekly builds. This service is new and if you experience any issues please report back. ¶

### Linux ¶

#### Ubuntu ¶
__Daily Builds:__ ppa for Ubuntu jaunty(9.04), karmic(9.10), lucid(10.04) and maverick(10.10): ¶
_(unofficial packages):_ ¶
[Link to PPA]( - ¶
Add them to your system, refresh the packages lists and install or upgrade widelands. ¶

## Source Code ¶

### Build ¶
The packages containing the tag _source_ are the source packages for this release, they usually come in two flavours: ZIP and TAR.BZ2. Both archives contain exactly the same content. ¶

Download the source of a build number at the [downloads page]( ¶

### Bazaar (bzr) ¶
If you plan to join development or are just interested in the latest inventions ¶
you should go for this. You __need to have__ Bazaar (bzr) installed, to check-out the trunk. Type in the ¶
console: ¶

bzr get lp:widelands ¶

After downloading the source, you might want to check BuildingWidelands for a !HowTo on building. ¶

## Troubleshooting ¶

### Linux ¶

#### libjpeg related ¶

If your widelands installation complains about missing on your system, and you recently upgraded your system, you may have upgraded your libjpeg to version 8. The problem seems to be with the libjpeg people, but most recommendations are to create a symlink: ¶

ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ ¶

On Gentoo, you may also try emerge jpeg:7 which creates a without headers.