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Map: Lesser Ring 1.1

Maps » Lesser Ring 1.1
Lesser Ring 1.1


A fair 8-player map with natural geographic features dividing land. The geographic features are meant to be somewhat realistic with rivers flowing from glaciers in the mountains through hills and flatlands into the sea. Gold is a much rarer resource compared to coal and iron. Different resources are often found at some distance to each other.

Comment by uploader:

This upload fixes a port space issue in the previous version.


Basic Information:

Author:Philipp Klaus Krause
World: One World
Dimensions:192 x 192
Max. Players:8
Upload:by PkK at 2016-02-20, 19:14
This map requires a version of Widelands build 19 or newer!
Download this map

Comments on this Map:


Again, the license is GPLv2 or later. Seafearing exists, but is not a very important aspect in this map. This is my favorite map for long games. Please tell me what You think abut it, and how it can be improved.



Gegner agressiv aber nur mittelstark.

Seefahrt brings Anfangs nichts!

Gutes langes Spiel.

Gold gibt es nur an kleinen Stellen - Berge gut absuchen.


There were some changes in widelands regarding building spaces and animals. I have updated hte map accordingly:

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