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Topic: optimal amount of space for farms?

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Joined: 2015-02-23, 23:32
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Posted at: 2015-02-23, 23:40

it has become apparent in my first few hours of play that the single farmer does not work faster enough to manage all the area the farm offers. does anyone know the maximum space the farmer can effectively utilize?

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Joined: 2014-09-15, 17:35
Posts: 1668
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Posted at: 2015-02-24, 01:18

I have seen that 5 plots are enough to go at 100%. 4 are probably ok, NOt sure because all the farms I had with 4 fields were sharing fields with other farms. but they should produce at least above 80%. three fields, and it won't reach a good productivity.

In a completey flat land, a good way to pack farms is to make one every four spaces,with a regular grid of roads going east-west and southwest-notheast every 4 spaces. you can fit one farm into every romboidal spot in the grid, and every farm willl have 5 fields, and plenty of roads to avoid traffic. in a smaller map you have to pack them tighter than that, and with irregular ground you have to make them where you can. I found that making farms at the foot of mountains is a good place: they will use the mountain for their fields, and won't occupy valuable spacce because you couldn't make buildings on the mountain either. mines have enough range to extract all the ores without interfering with the farm.

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