:mod:`wl.editor` ================== .. module:: wl.editor :synopsis: Editor scripting functions .. moduleauthor:: The Widelands development team .. currentmodule:: wl.editor The :mod:`wl.editor` module contains functionality that integrates Lua into the editor. This module is not loaded inside the game, that is if ``wl.editor`` is :const:`nil` the script is run inside a game, else in the editor. Module Classes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Player ------ .. graphviz:: :alt: Dependency graph for class: Player graph Player { bgcolor="transparent" node [shape=box, style=filled, fillcolor=white, fontsize=12, fontname="Helvetica"] edge [color=gray] Player [fillcolor="#118811", fontcolor=white, fontsize=13, shape=oval] PlayerBase [shape=house, href="../autogen_wl_bases/index.html#playerbase", target="_parent"] PlayerBase -- Player } .. class:: Player Child of: :class:`wl.bases.PlayerBase` This class represents one of the players in the editor. Note that you cannot instantiate a class of this type directly, use ``wl.Editor().players``.